Jordan Bahat


This Game

Body Armor

One More

Marquee Sports Network

We Get All Of It


Emotion is In


Kids of Immigrants

Allison Ponthier


Towa Bird

Wild Heart


Jordan Bahat is a first-generation American filmmaker and commercial, music video director. Born and raised in Los Angeles, Jordan took to filmmaking by stitching together clips downloaded off early internet torrent sites - transforming disparate video elements into abstract film montages. Developing his own intuitive sense of tempo, rhythm and structure along the way, Jordan later put his skills to use as a director of documentaries.

Jordan has an effortlessly adaptable style and he can easily move across genres. He approaches his work by looking for essential storytelling elements, and universal truths that allow him to create a bespoke creative approach that connects on an emotional level.

Jordan lives in Los Angeles and is currently developing his first scripted feature film, Future Will Be Better.